Wednesday 30 October 2013


ChemSketch is a chemical structure drawing program developed by ACD/Labs. Among other features, ChemSketch has the ability to:
  • Draw and view structures in 2D, or render in 3D to view from any angle
  • Draw reactions and reaction schemes, and calculate reactant quantities
  • Generate structures from InChI and SMILES strings
  • Generate IUPAC systematic names for molecules of up to 50 atoms and 3 ring structures
  • Predict logP for individual structures
  • Search for structures in the built-in dictionary of over 165,000 systematic, trivial, and trade names
ChemSketch uses many standard file formats for the import and export of drawings. The full list of available file formats can be found here, under the link "standard file formats." The program allows the user to draw chemical structures including organics, organometallics, polymers, and Markush structures.

  Introduction to ChemSketch
          ChemSketch is a free download for educational use. It can be used to produce structures of organic molecules, names of organic molecules as well as Lewis structures, 3D structures, space filling models or ball and stick models, among other things.

To get started go to

Select ACD ChemSketch Freeware and follow the instructions (an email address is required). This is the latest version. (Periodicallythis is updated.) You do not have to work on–line to use the program

 Using the buttons available. Note that a pdf document is part of the download.

When you load the program this is what you will see.

With structure highlighted, and C highlighted, you can draw a chain of carbon atoms

Select the whole structure by a lasso or clicking near the structure and select ‘All’ to show all carbon atoms, then ‘Apply’. (Set default if you want to.)

To have structure as CH3 – rather than H3C – , change position by clicking onto the ‘change position’ button, select the C atom that you want to change and click until you have the desired position.

Using the properties box you can change font size, etc. ‘Lasso’ what you want to change first using OR click next to the structure to select it.

To add, eg –OH groups click the atom (O if you want an -OH group) from the left hand side’ select the
carbon where you want this and drag out.

To make a double bond (or triple bond) select the bond to the OH group.

Using Tools options

o   Use ‘3D Structure Optimization’ if you want to create a 3D molecule
o   Use ‘Generate’ to name the structure

Use the templates available

For example, if you select amino acids you will get

Select an amino acid by clicking on it then clicking on to the ‘working screen’.

eg selecting alanine

Using 3D models of molecules

Draw, or get structure of molecule eg using alanine

When changing to 3D mode there are two possible ways to do this:

(i) when you only have one molecule shown

(ii) when you have more than one molecule in your chemsketch document.

(iii) when you only have one molecule shown

Select the molecule by clicking near it. Click the 3D viewer button (right hand side of buttons).

In 3D mode you can select framework, ball and stick, space-filling, etc.

These are only some of the features that you will find useful from Chemsketch.

Example :
v  You can select different arrows, including arrows suitable for equilibrium systems.
v  You can write reagents or conditions above the reaction arrow.
v  You can change an acid to the anion of the acid showing a negative charge.

Everything you do in Chemsketch can be copied into a word document.

Energy of reaction diagram
Vacuum Distillation
DNA Strand

Once you get started you will find many other ways to use this programme so have fun!



 No?? What is it??

Sounds Weird??

    Now, just imagine it. What can you see in  your imagination? Actually guys,       knowledge can be interesting if we imagine it in a funny     way. Okay, have you done?Let me introduce you to Mr.XML. :)         


 *~ Extensible Markup Language (XML) ~*          

  • produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
  • markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a           format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
  • It is defined in the XML 1.0 Specification.
  • much like HTML.
  • Tags are not predefined.
  • DTD or an XML schema ( this schema is designed to self-descriptive ) to describe the data.

*~ Design Goals ~*

  simplicity, generality, and usability over the Internet.

  • a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for the languages of the world. 
  • Although the design of XML focuses on documents, it is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures, for example in web services.

*~ Key Terminology ~*

(Unicode) character
By definition, an XML document is a string of characters. Almost every legal Unicode character may appear in an XML document.
Processor and application
The processor analyzes the markup and passes structured information to an application. The specification places requirements on what an XML processor must do and not do, but the application is outside its scope. The processor (as the specification calls it) is often referred to colloquially as an XML parser.

Markup and content
The characters making up an XML document are divided into markup and content, which may be distinguished by the application of simple syntactic rules. Generally, strings that constitute markup either begin with the character < and end with a >, or they begin with the character & and end with a ;. Strings of characters that are not markup are content. However, in a CDATA section, the delimiters <![CDATA[ and ]]> are classified as markup, while the text between them is classified as content. In addition, whitespace before and after the outermost element is classified as markup.

A markup construct that begins with < and ends with >. Tags come in three flavors:
  • start-tags; for example: <section>
  • end-tags; for example: </section>
  • empty-element tags; for example: <line-break />

A logical document component which either begins with a start-tag and ends with a matching end-tag or consists only of an empty-element tag. The characters between the start- and end-tags, if any, are the element's content, and may contain markup, including other elements, which are called child elements. An example of an element is <Greeting>Hello, world.</Greeting> (seehello world). Another is <line-break />.

A markup construct consisting of a name/value pair that exists within a start-tag or empty-element tag. In the example (below) the element img has two attributes, src and alt:
<img src="madonna.jpg" alt='Foligno Madonna, by Raphael'/>
Another example would be
<step number="3">Connect A to B.</step>
where the name of the attribute is "number" and the value is "3".
An XML attribute can only have a single value and each attribute can appear at most once on each element. In the common situation where a list of multiple values is desired, this must be done by encoding the list into a well-formed XML attribute[note 1] with some format beyond what XML defines itself. Usually this is either a comma or semi-colon delimited list or, if the individual values are known not to contain spaces,[note 2] a space-delimited list can be used.
<div class="inner greeting-box" >Hello!</div>
where the attribute "class" has both the value "inner greeting-box", indicating the CSS class names "inner" and "greeting-box".

XML declaration
XML documents may begin by declaring some information about themselves, as in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
want to know further about XML?? just click here :

*~The Difference Between XML and HTML~*

*~ XML ~**~ HTML ~*
I) XML is not a replacement for HTML.*) HTML was designed to display data, with focus on how data looks.
ii) XML was designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data is.**) HTML is about displaying information.
iii) while XML is about carrying information.                                          

Tuesday 29 October 2013


Yes ! today we are going to learn about how to smile . ready enough ??
here we GO !

hehehe. we are not trying to flirting with you guys anyway. lets get down to business. be serious people ?

Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System

yupp ! now this is the real SMILES we are talking about.

*is a specification in form of a line notation for describing the structure of chemical molecules using   short ASCII strings. SMILES strings can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensional models of the molecules.
*Widely used AND computationally efficient
*Uses atomic symbols and a set of intuitive rules
*Uses hydrogen-suppressed molecular graphs (HSMG)


Canonical SMILESIsomeric SMILES
refers to the version of the SMILES specification that includes rules for ensuring that each distinct chemical molecule has a single unique SMILES representation refers to the version of the SMILES specification that includes extensions to support the specification of isotopes, chirality, and configuration about double bonds 

not enough info for you ? waaa..u can dig more from HERE ! ;)

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Protein Data Bank

What do you understand about PDB or 
also known as Protein Data Bank ?

  • The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a repository for the 3-D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids.
Types of Protein :

  1. LexA

     2. Trypsin


   4. Pepsin

  • Pepsin (from the Greek πέψη, pepsi, meaning digestion) is an enzyme whose zymogen (pepsinogen) is released by the chief cells in the stomach and that degrades food proteins into peptides.
  • Pepsin is one of three principal protein-degrading, or proteolytic, enzymes in the digestive system, the other two being chymotrypsin and trypsin. The three enzymes were among the first to be isolated in crystalline form.
  •  During the process of digestion, these enzymes, each of which is specialized in severing links between particular types of amino acids, collaborate to break down dietary proteins into their components, i.e., peptides and amino acids, which can be readily absorbed by the intestinal lining. Pepsin is most efficient in cleaving peptide bonds between hydrophobic and preferably aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine 


  • Amylase can be divided into 3 types which are : -

α-AmylaseThe α-amylases are calcium metalloenzymes, completely unable to function in the absence of calcium. By acting at random locations along the starch chain, α-amylase breaks down long-chain carbohydrates, ultimately yielding maltotriose and maltose from amylose, or maltose, glucose and "limit dextrin" from amylopectin. Because it can act anywhere on the substrate, α-amylase tends to be faster-acting than β-amylase. In animals, it is a major digestive enzyme, and its optimum pH is 6.7-7.0
β-Amylaseβ-amylase is also synthesized by bacteria, fungi, and plants. Working from the non-reducing end, β-amylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of the second α-1,4 glycosidic bond, cleaving off two glucose units (maltose) at a time. During the ripening of fruit, β-amylase breaks starch into maltose, resulting in the sweet flavor of ripe fruit. β-amylase is present in an inactive form prior to germination, whereas α-amylase and proteases appear once germination has begun The optimum pH for β-amylase is 4.0-5.0
γ-Amylaseγ-Amylase will cleave α (1 - 6) glycosidic linkages, as well as the last α (1 - 4) glycosidic linkages at the non recuding end of amylose and amylopectin, yielding glucose. The γ-Amylase has most acidic pH optimum because it is most active around pH 3.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


What is HTML ?

- HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.
- HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags represent empty elements and so are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, and the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, further tags, comments and other types of text-based content.
- The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page.
HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts written in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML web pages.
Web browsers can also refer to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both the HTML and the CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational HTML.[1]

Ways to use HTML
  1. First, some information about HTML:
    To program in HTML we use "tags". They are the ones that give format to the text that is going to appear in your website, make tables, insert images, etc.
    A tag goes between this symbols "< >", like this <xxx>.
    Everything else that is not between "< >" is what is going to appear in the website.
    There are two kinds of tags: open and close.
    Open tags have just one key word, for example: <xxx> .
    Close tags (the most common ones) have two key words, the last one goes at the end of the sentence you want appear in the website and have the symbol "/", for example:
    <yyy> hi, my name is Dane </yyy>.

  2. Open a new notepad document

  3. Type
    Welcome to my first web site

  4. Save the document with any name you like but with the extension: .html, like this: website.html
    if you don't save it like this is not going to work!

  5. Go to the folder where you save the document, there you will found the document with the IExplorer symbol.

  6. Open it and it's going to look like this:

  7. Experiment with new tags. here's a list of the most common tags:

    • BOLD: < b > hello < /b > ----> hello

    • ITALIC: < i > hello < /i > ----> hello

    • UNDERLINE: < u > hello < /u > ----> hello

    • FONT COLOR: < font color="f11a0a" > hello < /font > ----> hello

    • SPACE BETWEEN LINES (enter): hello < br > how are u? ----> hello
      how are u?

    •                                       Elements in HTML

Elements of HTML



Tuesday 17 September 2013

our first day in IIUM Kuantan


Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Registration was on 3rd September 2013
Fathin, Nora and I were very excited to be a part of IIUM Kuantan
since this was our first time to be here as a Degree student

the process of registration went smoothly
the day started to become hectic when the orientation began at 2.00 p.m.
We need to gather at Grand Hall on time
by wearing our formal attire which were white sarung, batik and white scarf

We were quite surprised as the committees asked 
all the new intake students to bring along our requirements such as sport attire, toiletries, 
Taaruf kit and pyjamas as we were forbidden to go back to mahallah for the whole day

First and foremost, we were glad to be welcomed by
friendly committee members
The orientation started with Briefing of Rules and Regulations
which we couldn't even focused on it since we were too exhausted
after a long journey during the day

Each of us were provided with taaruf kit which contained with many flyers, 
taaruf booklet, and others
We were trained to sing a lovely IIUM's song
Lets lead the way ~ ~ ~
our favourite part of the song is the chorus
we would love to share that part with you madam

' Together
We make the world a better place
Expand the culture of Islam
is to realise the meaning of
Rahmatan Lil Alamin'

the song really inspired us to be the best among the best
either in studies or our deeds in our life

one of the flyers given which entitled

Let's Purify Our Heart


we were always reminded by facilitators about the purpose of entering IIUM
which are to excel not only in world matters but the most important thing is to gain Rahmatan Lil Alamin
that is the best thing about being the family of
International Islamic University Malaysia

Finally, we come to the end of our first terrificday in IIUM Kuantan
before that, we would love to share some of the pictures of our sweet moments together
during the Taaruf week

from left : Nora, Iffah, Ain, and Fathin

Group Leader : Zureain binti Mohamad Karim

 Wan Norazlin binti Wan Mohamed Nor

Fathin Husna binti Hamzah

for your information, we were classmates since our first semester in CFS,IIUM

can you imagine how close we are ?

by the way, thank you madam
for spending your time reading our post